Sunday, June 3, 2007

Democracy player

After some time I tried again DemocracyPlayer... and I've to say that it didn't change a lot. Especially on the side of the contents.

The player itself is not bad. It has nice ideas, nice features, nice technology, but it lacks the contents. Democracy is a great software that broadcasts youtube like contents. Which is not enough to be the next-generation TV.

Here is some suggestions.
  • Make it possible to stream on demand a content. Now you can only download as a podcast and then watch it. Streaming would be a wonderful feature to have.
  • Find contents providers. We desperately need to show that it is possible to provide contents with a great open-source multi-platform tool.
  • Integrate it better with the desktop environment, the web browser and with other media sources (for example youtube).
  • Think about cooperation with some CC-licensed (for example Jamendo) music in order to open a music section on Democracy.
I really think that democracy could become an open iTunes if properly developed.


Masse said...

First of all iTunes is music downloader, not a video downloader. Secondly the point of dtv is rss-feeds, but go ahead and make your suggestion, the devs might like the idea. And content providers, there are well more than 1000 channels even now and a year ago it was a lot less

Unknown said...

I'm not saying that democracy must be like iTunes... I'd want democracy to be much much better than iTunes... well.. it is already bettery, it's free. BTW, iTunes also distributes video contents.

About the channels: IMHO it's not a matter of number, but of quality.

Anonymous said...

I work over at PCF (the organization that develops Democracy) and this is a conversation we definitely have all the time.
The amount of content is increasing but we are also doing lots of outreach trying to support anyone developing strong original content, since that's really the best part of a software like Democracy.
Thanks for your suggestions and I'll make sure they get passed on to the developers.